Edited Volumes, Book Chapters, Reports, and Invited Publications

Jalette, P., & Pohler, D. (2023) Introduction to the Special Issue on the Contribution of Industrial Relations to Understanding Future of Work and Employment. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 78(4). https://doi.org/10.7202/1111498ar 

Pohler, D., & Pigeon, M. (2023). Eighty years of strategic renewal at Federated Co-operatives Limited (chapter 10). In J.F. Wilson, A. Webster, E. Ekberg, & S. Skurnik (Eds.) The Consumer Co-operative Sector: International Perspectives on Strategic Renewal. Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy Series: Taylor & Francis.

Pohler, D. (Editor, 2020). Reimagining the Governance of Work and Employment. Labor and Employment Relations Association Annual Research Volume. (Distributed through Cornell University ILR Press).

Koebel, K. & Pohler, D. (2020). Basic income. In D. Pohler (Ed.) Reimagining the Governance of Work and Employment. Labor and Employment Relations Association Annual Research Volume.

Pohler, D., Luchak, A., & Harmer, J. (2020) The missing employee in employee voice research. In A. Wilkinson, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, & R. Freeman (Eds.) The Handbook of Research on Employee Voice (2nd edition). Edward Elgar. 

Pohler, D. (2018) Collective bargaining. In A. Wilkinson, T. Dundon, J. Donaghey, & A. Colvin (Eds). Routledge Companion to Employment Relations, pp. 235-250. Routledge: London and New York. 
Pohler, D. (2015) Employee inclusivity and inequality in America. Perspectives on Work, 19: 18-21; 76--77. 
Pohler, D., & Luchak, A. (2014) The missing employee in employee voice research. In A. Wilkinson, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, & R. Freeman. (Eds.) The Handbook of Research on Employee Voice, pp. 188-207. Edward Elgar. 
Fulton, M. & Pohler, D. (2014) Co-operative development in rural and Aboriginal communities. Saskatchewan Business Magazine, April/May. 
Pohler, D. (2013) Labour union impacts on organizations and employees in Canada. Western Policy Analyst, 5(2): 7-8. 


Pohler, D. (March 2020) An Assessment of Different Research Designs to Explore the Causal Impact of LEEP and FCP on Employment Opportunities for the Designated Groups. Employment and Social Development Canada Labour Program.

Pohler, D. (November 2017) Governance Challenges in Credit Unions: Insights and Recommendations. Filene Research Institute: Madison, WI. 
Fulton, M., Fairbairn, B., & Pohler, D. (September 2017) Credit Unions in Canada: Design Principles for Greater Co-operation. Centre for the Study of Co-operatives: University of Saskatchewan. 
Fulton, M., Pohler., D., Massie, M., Overlander, D., & Wu, H. (2016) Co-operative Innovation Project. Centre for the Study of Co-operatives: University of Saskatchewan. 

Book Reviews

Pohler, D. (2020) Book Review of Robert B. McKersie, A Field in Flux: Sixty Years of Industrial Relations, Cornell University Press. Journal of Industrial Relations, 62(2): 322-324.

Pohler, D. (2017) Book Review of G. Davis, The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy, Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70(4): 1057-1058. 
Pohler, D. (2013) Book Review of V. Doellgast, Disintegrating Democracy at Work: The Future of Good Jobs in the Service Economy, Ithaca NY: Cornell ILR Press. Work and Occupations, 40(1): 67-69. 

Case Studies and Teaching Resources

Kleefeld, J., & Pohler, D. (2019) Internalizing cognitive bias: An experiential exercise for teaching and learning the anchoring effect. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 28(2): 33-47.
Pohler, D. (2016) Federated Co-operatives Limited: Change Management. Ivey Publishing. 
Fairbairn, B., Fulton, M., & Pohler, D. (November 2015) Governance as a Determinant of Success and Failure: What Other Co-ops Can Learn from Co-op Atlantic. Centre for the Study of Co-operatives: University of Saskatchewan.
Pohler, D. (2011) Creating a High Engagement Culture at Aeroplan. Effectif, September/October, 14(4): 45-46. 
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